Sunday, June 3, 2007

Daily Bunshou: Fad Fire



流行り はやり fad, trend, popular thing

だす  literally: to get out. In this instance: to appear suddenly
  • When trying to exit a building in Japan, look for 出口. The same kanji, 出, goes along with だす. The feeling is that, all of a sudden, something happens. 思い出す, to remember all at once, is just one example of where だす is employed.
火をつける to ignite a fire

皆 みな everyone/everybody. (Why's it sometimes みな and sometimes みんな?)

同じ おなじ the same (opposite of 違う)

したがる  (he/she/they) want to do
  • We all know したい, right? Well, したい is for your own desire to do something. When you talk about other people's desires (third person), use 〜たがる.
  • したい ー> したがる
  • たべたい ー> たべたがる
  • さむい ー> さむがる
  • Ah, what's that last one? An adjective? That's because the 〜たい form of verbs is quite like an い-adj. Form the がる form by knocking off the い of い-adj and attaching がる.
食べ物 たべもの stuff you can eat (as opposed to 食品, which is more like ingredients)

持ち物 もちもの stuff you have, possessions

あっという間に A phrase, idiomatically meaning "quite quickly"
  • あっ - the shortest pronunciation of あ (as if cut off in the middle of vocalizing the sound)
  • と言う - say, plus the quoting particle と
  • 間に まに during, in the time when
  • あっという間に - in the time it takes to say あっ
求める もとめる to seek


In Japan, whenever something popular comes out, it seems like everyone wants to do the same thing, as quickly as a fire starts to flame. Clothing, food, possessions. When a new fad starts, everyone goes after it before you can say "Tickle-Me Elmo."

"Before you can say ___" can have anything inserted into the blank. Usually it should be appropriate to the situation. "Tickle-Me Elmo" was a very, very popular toy a few years ago, and I still remember how many people ran to the stores to get one for their children. Fads can be very dangerous things; 気をつけてね.


Anonymous said...

"Before you can say ..." seems like a really useful expression to me.

Can I say for example, "Before you can say Nintendo DS"? Right?

By the way, I found a photo of a Tickle Me Elmo in a web site.
It's so cute!

chovak said...

"Nintendo DS" - この場合はピッタリですよ! 日本では、あまりNintendo DSを買えないと聞きました。すごく流行りだから。アメリカで買えます。でも、Nintendo Wiiはまだ買いにくいです。