Get it?
Look at the kanji.
What's wrong with it? Other than having been drawn by a 外国人.
き が ながい is an idiom for having a lot of patience. You can use it when your friend buys a Bonzai tree kit, or in the negative when you go to a Japanese post office.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Japanese Idiom: Something's Wrong with My Ki...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Japanese Diary: Susumu
11月17日、僕はHelp the Homeless Walkathonに参加して歩きます。
(Checked by a real Nihonjin.)
Friday, November 9, 2007
Japanese Diary: Samu
(This Japanese has been verified by a certified Japanese person.)
Strange English: Crispy English
You can use "crisp" to describe many things. Food, weather, paper, people's personalities...
- I like to eat my cereal quickly, while it's still crisp. If it sits in milk too long, it gets soggy.
- It's finally fall! The air is crisp and cold.
- You can tell this book has been well-loved. Its pages are soft and curled, no longer crisp.
- Her attitude was crisp when I told her I was coming in late.
- Potato chips, lettuce, deep-fried foods, and maybe apples can be crispy.

Thursday, November 8, 2007
A Blog for Japanese Learners?
I'm always looking around for good study materials. When I got my Google Reader account, I searched and searched for good, daily Japanese-oriented blogs. Blogs that were in elementary Japanese, or that dealt with little pieces of grammar that I hadn't read yet, or that would teach me a word or two each day in a way that would stick with me.
I know too much for a basic level, and I don't know enough to easily read real Japanese blogs. So I decided to make this site, since there was obviously a need for something like a bridge between beginner Japanese and advanced.
Are you beginning to see the problem? If I'm so lazy that I want a daily blog to teach me Japanese, I'm probably too lazy to keep up my own version.
Of course, I blame my work, but if I really felt strongly enough about it, I could set aside an hour or so each day to study. I'll try to do that from now on.
I'll try to record something every day in Japanese. I can't guarantee the grammar will be good. If I have time later, I'll edit my entries for grammatical exactness.
If anyone has any suggestions for how to keep up this blog and my studies, I'm listening.